What is PrimerChecker℠?
PrimerChecker℠ is a bioinformatic tool for graphic display of thermodynamics parameters of oligonucleotide primers for DNA amplification and prediction of their performance during a PCR reaction.
In other words, PrimerChecker℠ was developed to provide VISUAL post primer design assessment of the thermodynamic values of primers. The application allows a comprehensive visual confirmation of a predictable primer performance in PCR runs within a range of tested values. Even though values of primer thermodynamics of a particular primer set can be obtained from literature, or extracted from applications outputs after primer design, for example, web interface applications such as Primer3, Primer-BLAST, mfold, Oligo Analyzer 3.1, etc., the assembly of these data and further analysis is needed. Once the primer thermodynamic values of each primer is submitted to PrimerChecker℠, the application graphically displays the primer (s) melting temperature (Tm) difference between two reacting primers, the percent of Guanine-Cytosine (GC %), and Delta G (ΔG). Additional graphic outputs include Primer3’s ANY score for self-complementarity, as well as Primer3’s 3’ score for self-complementarity of the 3’ termini of the primers of interest. Stringent thresholds were considered seeking optimal performance. PrimerChecker℠facilitates decision making through visual aids that allow the assay designer to visualize strengths and weaknesses of oligos in real time as a means for improving reaction efficiencies during assay development.
K. V. Salinas Villacís. Freelance consultant, Quito, Ecuador.
Developer of the PrimerChecker℠ prototype in MS Excel.
H. F. Espitia-Navarro. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Developer of the PrimerChecker℠ Web application.
J. A. García-Suárez. Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Sangolquí, Ecuador.
Conceptualization of PrimerChecker℠, feedback supporting PrimerChecker℠ prototyping. Initial testing using primers designed for Tobamovirus.
F. M. Ochoa-Corona. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity, and Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, OK, USA.
Conception and conceptualization of the PrimerChecker℠ idea, mentoring and feedback during PrimerChecker℠ assemblage and validation.
This study was funded by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station (Project Number OKL02950), the American Floral Endowment, the Thomas E. Berry Faculty Fellows Program in Integrated Water Research and Management, and the USDA Farm Bill.
The following disclaimers apply to any use of PrimerChecker℠ and related materials provided on http://primerchecker.okstate.edu/.
Access to PrimerChecker℠ and related materials are provided as a courtesy, free of charge, and are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any use of PrimerChecker℠ and such related materials shall be at the sole and exclusive risk of the user(s).
Oklahoma State University and its affiliates make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of PrimerChecker or such related materials, or any related products and services. Any reliance you place on PrimerChecker℠ or such related materials is therefore strictly at your own risk.
In no event will Oklahoma State University or its affiliates be liable for any loss or damage arising in connection with your use of PrimerChecker or such related information including, without limitation, any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damages.
Neither PrimerChecker℠, nor results generated through the use of PrimerChecker, may be incorporated into any publication or formal or official report or document without appropriate reference (citation here) and use of the service mark (SM pending). Users of PrimerChecker may not use the name or marks of Oklahoma State University, without the prior, written consent of Oklahoma State University.